Introducing the AccuFab-CEL Dental Resin 3D Printer

Introducing the AccuFab-CEL Dental Resin 3D Printer

Chicago, February 22, 2024 – SHINING 3D, a global pioneer in 3D digitization and printing solutions, officially unveiled its latest dental 3D printer, AccuFab-CEL, at the largest dental laboratory event in the United States, LabDay 2024. On top of that, the new printer will also be making its first official appearance in Europe at Expodental, Madrid and Dental Expo, Amsterdam. This revolutionary printer propels chairside 3D printing to new levels of speed and accuracy, setting a new standard for performance in the dental 3D printing field.


With a new mainboard and high-performance light panel, AccuFab-CEL shortens printing time and improves efficiency. With this printer, users can achieve impressive printing times, such as 14 minutes for orthodontic models and just 20 minutes* for surgical guides or implant models. The printer's "Collimated Programmable Lithography" technology ensures uniform light distribution, improving accuracy to up to ±35μm.


Join our live technical webinar and learn everything there is to the AccuFab-CEL




As the pioneer of the ceramic platform, AccuFab-CEL offers the option of small and large ceramic platforms, ensuring safety and preventing residues from attaching to printed products. The ceramic platforms also have a longer lifespan compared to other materials, providing an exceptional user experience.

Kevin Ping, the Product Manager of SHINING 3D Dental, states, "Our goal is to enhance efficiency for dental professionals and improve patient outcomes. AccuFab-CEL is a powerful addition to our end-to-end solution, helping dental professionals in their treatment."



*The situation refers to the layer thickness: 100μm. Printing time may vary based on different layer thicknesses and the number of printable layers

We look forward to having you join us for the live technical webinar on the AccuFab-CEL hosted by Christopher Tepetitlan


Warm regards,
SHINING 3D Dental Team

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